Monday, March 26, 2007

Reading Prompt #9

One of the challenges or limitations that I have in my classroom is the Computer Use in Limited Technology Contexts. I find that barriers such as time constraints in the classroom, the limitations set by standardized curriculum and large classes makes it hard to incorporate technology resulting in student success.

Another limitation that I find is that because my students have limited exposure to technology, new literacies such as visual and multicultural literacies must be taught.

I can overcome the challenge of time constraints by replacing planned activities with computer-enhanced language tasks. This would help meet classroom goals along with incorporating the use of technology. For example, I would replace a regular activity such a science vocabulary preview with a science vocabulary lesson incorporating technology. I would use technology to explore the vocabulary definitions including pictures and examples to further the understanding of the terms.

I can also meet standardized curriculum through the use of technology by integrating technology in creative ways. This will provide students with the opportunity to meet classroom goals effectively and efficiently. For example, computers can be incorporated to a math lesson in symmetry by exploring websites that provide animated pictures demonstrating symmetry. Students can also create or search for pictures through the internet that contain symmetry.

The challenge of using technology with large classes could be overcome by sharing the computer lesson as a class through a projected visual on the screen of what the teacher is doing on the computer. Students can take turns answering in a whole classroom setting the problems or scenarios presented on the screen in the lesson. Students can also form groups and take turns working activities on the one or two computers available to the students. They will be more effective and efficient because the teacher would have already modeled what is expected of the students. This will ensure higher student success and less wasted time on the computer.

The limited exposure to technology by my students results in low visual and multicultural literacies. I would have to teach visual and multicultural literacies as a class by demonstrating and modeling the literacies. I would use websites to aid in the teaching such as noodletools.


Max Thomas said...

I like your solution for overcomming some of the problems students may have with the challenges of computer literacies. I think this may actually work in an adult learning environment as well. To respond to your comment on my post, after further reflection, my recollection of elementary school was the emphasis was placed on not copying from each other. I don't think that issues related to properly citing references came into play until Junior High or High School. I do remember from a reading and writing class that the way different cultures value knowledge can come into play in terms of plagerism (sic) in higher education and is a skill that may need to be taught, depending on the cultural background of the student.

Phillip Bukur said...

I understand the shortcomings such as time and tech-knowledge restraints. I think you are using the computer wisely by sharing and for the visuals. The overhead projection is good and even young kids should be exposed to PowerPoint because most likely they will have to use it one day.